Of Your Soul

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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Alas! This will be my fifth and my last post for the assignment. Today was pretty much another hectic day, and arrived home after 6pm. Unfortunately, I woke up later than usual this morning, which resulted in reaching school at 7.10am, missing my breakfast. Normally, I would reach school at 6.50am for some buns as breakfast. Throughout the morning till recess, I was feeling hungry and longed for recess. Meanwhile, during the Science class, we went to the library for research on the Human Circulatory System. There were a total of 4 groups, each consisting of approximately 10 people, in accordance to the index numbers. But apparently during recess, I weirdly did not feel hungry, and therefore just ate 2 siew mais, and then rushed off to play basketball. It was a 4 versus 5 match, me being in the team of four. The game ended with a score of 9-10 respectively. I felt that I had lots of room for improvement, as I had many chances to score a point, but ended up failing the throw. Despite the loss, it was nevertheless a great game and a workout! But I muddle-headedly left my PE shirt at the court in the midst of rushing back to class, which I had to retrieve it again during History lesson. History lesson was pretty cool today, with a movie about the war between the Qing soldiers and the rebels. After school , we had to head over to Xian Jun house for the Chinese TfU project, which was due next Monday. Surprisingly, we managed to finish the project in an hour! Subsequently, we had another match of basketball , 3 versus 2, this time, I was in the team of three. Despite our larger number, we still lost to Isaac and Xian Jun in the end... Maybe it was because I played a little too hard, and rashly gulped down the can of 100 plus, resulting in me having stitches and a minor headache. Feeling weary, I decided to return home for some rest. At the MRT station, 2 inconsiderate women were not complying to the rules of keeping to the left of the escalator, and therefore, I was held up. Perhaps I was down with luck today. The train arrived not long ago and I intended to board it. But thanks to these two inconsiderate women, who ignored me and continued chatting, I missed the train. I had to wait for another 5 minutes for the next train, and 5 minutes is very long to a worn-out person. I was seriously pissed and was really fed-up with both of them. I reached home at around 6pm. Despite the weariness, I overcame it and took my dinner, had a great bath, and decided to sleep earlier after completing this blog post. Whoa, what a tiring day!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Every weekend, or sometimes on weekdays when there is no homework, I would just play my Xbox 360 for 2 hours. For example, today, and there is no homework to hand in tomorrow( except for English, which I completed already!), I played around an hour and a half of Halo 3. It was a 5 versus 5 team-deathmatch, on some snowy map. Apparently, some of my teammates perhaps had chickened out and left the game one by one, and in 5 minutes time, I was all alone , and it was 1 versus 5! Initially, I intended to quit too, but since that particular map was my forte, I decided to carry on. It was extremely tensing as I had to find better weapons such as the shotgun or sniper. Since I could not go head-on with them as I was outnumbered, I decided to ambush them amongst the caves where it was narrow and where shotgun was crucial. During the last 10 seconds, it was 48-47, and all I needed was just 2 more kills. I did not want to chicken out and hide for the 10 seconds, for fear that I would have lost. But I thought it through, it was already quite a bonus that I was winning by one point despite the numbers. If I had won, I would have been awesome, but if I lost, it would be very normal. Nevertheless, I just gave it a shot and went for the kills when I ran out of bullets after the first kill. Despite that, I gave the other guy two good whacks and victory was mine! After this, they were all awed and decided to join the same team as me......

Monday, January 25, 2010

Well this is my third blog post. Recently, I am very obsessed with pen spinning, that even when I am watching television or resting , I would just habitually spin it. One of the main important things to take note if pen spinning is to get your own modded pen, which means piecing different grips and caps onto a pen, and the pen must of course be balanced. For example, cutting different G2 pen grips to make the grip. Having an ink is optional, but is not really practical when you keep dropping the pen, and the ink will leak. I actually started pen spinning since primary 5, but gave up when I could not do more challenging tricks with a normal pen, and I did not know how to make a modded pen then. Until last year, when I saw many of my classmates doing it, I asked myself, "If they can do it, why cant I?" Therefore, I decided to ransack my box of pens and piece them together during the holidays. Now, I have a great pen with good balance and a medium weight, excellent for spinning.To me, my pen is as important as my Green Day albums. Although I only mastered a few basic tricks, such as the Thumb Around, Charge Normal, Fingerpass and Sonic, I will not just stop there. Today, I managed to pull off the Shadow spin, which requires the pen to spin on the four fingers before catching it. It took me a lot of effort and time to learn it. Although I did not fully master it yet, I still feel a sense of achievement. For the whole of tomorrow, I would have to keep on practising it in order to get the gist of it. Normally, it would take me a day to learn the trick, and roughly another two days to sort of master it. It can be fun when you are spinning it together with your friends, and you can learn from them too!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Well, this is my second blog post. Today was pretty hectic though. I had to wake up around 7.30am to meet up with my friends for the OPW project. In order to get to White Sands Mall for the meeting point, I could take bus number 23 there directly. The funny thing was that , I was impatient and decided to take a bus to the interchange, then the MRT to White Sands, which took way longer. At the Bedok MRT platform, i surprisingly bumped into Gary, who was heading back to school. After an early breakfast at Macdonalds, we headed to Nicholas house for the project. After finishing the project early, we played some games and the loser had to do certain forfeits, for example the chicken dance, which made us all laugh out loud! Subsequently, we played some Guitar Hero and Halo 3. One of the songs in Guitar Hero, called Misery Business by Paramore, was so difficult that all of us had trouble completing it, especially Xian Jun, who was hitting the drums frantically with no sychronizing with the music. The rest of the songs were pretty successful, with Nicholas singing, Xian Jun drumming, Isaac playing the bass and me playing the other guitar. Playing Halo was awesome too! Especially the part when Xian Jun and I had a energy sword dual, and Nicholas just came ramming into us with the Ghost. That was hilarious! Sadly, Isaac had to leave earlier, so it was 2 versus 1. Before leaving, we played some basketball which was totally enjoyable! Although I did not score most of the goals, it was nevertheless a good workout!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I felt pretty nervous today, wondering how to furnish this blog with some nice music and a cool background. I anxiously searched the internet on tips for blogging , but to no avail. Fortunately, I had a friend who was willing to help and guide me along. The exciting part was that i managed to add 4 songs from my favourite band, Green Day, onto this blog. I really envied those who went to the live performance of Green Day in Singapore 2 days ago! I practically spent the whole afternoon creating this blog and playing some Xbox. After dinner, I sat down at my study desk and began writing the movie review of Dirty Harry. I stared at the wall, trying to recall the scene after Harry rescued the man...